Hygienist in Newbury: smile healthy,smile fresh, smile beautiful

Safeguard your smile with our tailored hygiene services

The healthiest smiles come about when patient, dentist and hygienist work together. While your dentist will treat problems as they arise, the hygienist will ensure teeth remain free of plaque – the root cause of most dental issues. Our Newbury hygienist will not only give your teeth the professional deep-clean they need every so often, but will convince you to take charge of your oral hygiene in the long term. Whether you need help establishing a robust routine at home, advice on stopping smoking or healthy eating, or recommendations of products that suit your needs and lifestyle, your hygienist is your smile’s secret weapon. From bad breath to bleeding gums, we’ll do everything possible to educate and assist you in preventing dental problems before they start.

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closeup image of patient being treated by dental hygienist
Dental hygienist in Newbury offering airflow treatment

A superior clean with Air-Flow in Newbury

At Westbrook House Dental Surgery, we’re pleased to offer our patients advanced Air-Flow cleaning. Unlike a regular ‘scrape and polish’, the AirFlow device combines compressed air with powder and water to gently and painlessly buff away at your teeth – lifting stains, effectively removing plaque and tartar, and reaching areas the toothbrush misses. Air-Flow is highly effective at removing even deep surface stains, and leaves teeth looking and feeling smooth, shiny. As well as offering a fabulous regular clean, Air-Flow is ideal as a preparation for a professional whitening treatment, or a white filling.

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Gum disease treatment in Newbury

Gum disease falls into two distinct categories – gingivitis, the early stage of the disease, and periodontitis, the advanced stage. While gingivitis – identified by bleeding, inflamed gums – can be reversed with good oral hygiene, periodontitis, symptoms of which include gum recession and ultimately tooth loss, is far more serious. Periodontitis cannot be reversed, but its progress can be slowed, stopped and managed. At Westbrook House Dental Surgery, we have invested in Florida Probe software to assist in the diagnosis of periodontitis, and the advanced PerioChip treatment, which eliminates bacteria from under the gum line. We’ll work with you to control your gum disease and save your natural teeth.

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Patient with gum disease in need of dental hygienist services


What do I need to know about plaque and tartar?

Plaque and tartar are the key contributors to gum disease and tooth decay. Plaque – a film of bacteria that builds up around the gum line – needs to be brushed away regularly. If brushing and flossing is neglected, plaque eventually hardens to become tartar. Together, they attack the tooth enamel, making gums and teeth vulnerable to disease and decay.

Why is oral health important?

Oral health allows you to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible – if not permanently. Simple cleaning techniques will not only ensure you smile confidently throughout your life, but will prevent the need for costly and invasive treatment in the future. But oral health isn’t just about holding on to a healthy smile in the long term. There’s a proven connection between oral health and general health; poor oral health is linked to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.

What can I do to prevent oral hygiene problems?

The key is to maintain a rigorous cleaning programme at home. This is crucial if you want to minimise hygienist appointments. Our hygienist will give you advice and tips not only about how to clean your teeth, but also about diet and general lifestyle.

Can the hygienist cure my bad breath?

In most cases, yes! Bad breath is usually eliminated with the help of a robust, tailored hygiene routine. If your bad breath is persistent despite this, it may be advisable to see your GP.

How often should I see my hygienist?

If you have good oral health, we generally recommend seeing the hygienist twice a year. If you’ve had dental implants or tooth restorations, you may be required to visit more frequently to ensure plaque is not compromising your restorations.